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WordPress 主題查看器[ | ]

經過艱苦努力,WordPress 主題查看器站點上線運行,可以幫助找到你夢寐以求的主題並下載,該站可為你提供上百個可用的主題,試一下。

WordPress v2.0.3 發表[ | ]

2006年6月1日,WordPress開發團隊發布了一個WordPress的安全和缺陷修復更新,該更新的詳細內容參見 WordPress v2.0.3 公告

志願者會在 WordPress 支持論壇 幫助解決問題,2.0.2 升級專題 有很多有用的信息。

WordPress v2.0.2 發表[ | ]

The WordPress Development team released a security and bug fix update for WordPress on March 10, 2006. Information about the update can be found at WordPress v2.0.2 Announcement.

Volunteers are assisting with problems on the WordPress Support Forums and there is useful information in the 2.0.2 upgrade thread.

WordPress v2.0.1 發表[ | ]

The WordPress Development team released a security and feature update for WordPress on January 31, 2006. Information about the update can be found at WordPress v2.0.1 Announcement.

Volunteers are assisting with problems on the WordPress Support Forums.

WordPress v2.0 發表[ | ]

The WordPress Development team released the latest version, WordPress 2.0, on December 26, 2005. Download information regarding the update can be found at WordPress v2.0 Download. In keeping with tradition, this version of WordPress is named Duke after the famous Duke Ellington. A list of the Version 2.0 enhancements is described in WordPress Development Blog.

Volunteers are assisting with problems on the WordPress Support Forums.

WordPress 捉臭蟲- November 5 and 6[ | ]

The latest WordPress Bug Hunt was a great success. Volunteers waged war on the list of bugs in the WordPress core programs. The latest Trac count shows 91 bugs were stomped. Thanks to all who joined in and helped rid the bugs from our favorite software!

Please Note: Even after an official Bug Hunt is over, your bug killing skills are always needed, so please continue your bug smashing!

WordPress v1.5.2 發表[ | ]

The WordPress Development team released a security and feature update for WordPress on August 14, 2005. Information about the update can be found at WordPress v1.5.2 Announcement, Changelog 1.5.2, and the WordPress Support Forum Topic Readable Changelog 1.5.2. To upgrade WordPress, see Upgrading WordPress.

WordPress 備份周 - July 23-30[ | ]

WordPress announces the WordPress Backups Week from July 23 - 30, 2005. A coordinated event between the WordPress Support Forum and the WordPress Codex, volunteers will provide support and documentation to help WordPress users backup their WordPress site and database.

WordPress v1.5.1.3 發表[ | ]

The WordPress Development team released a security update for WordPress. Information about the update can be found at WordPress v1.5.1.3 Announcement and Changelog. To upgrade WordPress, see Upgrading WordPress.

Codex 清掃周 June 18-26[ | ]

The Codex Cleanup Week was a resounding success. Over 20 volunteers signed up and even more pitched in to create dozens of new documents and clean up hundreds of documents on the Codex. More than 400 pages were categorized, improving navigation on the Codex. The efforts to clean up and maintain the WordPress Codex continue. If you would like to participate, please check out the guidelines and task links listed below.

Thank you to every one who participated. Whether you fixed a few spelling errors or contributed an article, every bit helped make the WordPress Codex a vital resource for WordPress users. Thank you.

Wordpress v1.5.1.2 發表[ | ]

The WordPress team has released Version, and in so doing address a number of minor issues that cropped up in the original 1.5.1 release. Please check it out!

IRC Meetups[ | ]

Every Wednesday at 21:00 GMT/UTC (2 PM Pacific Time) we have an IRC "meetup" where everyone gets together in the #Wordpress IRC Channel #wordpress-meetup on irc.freenode.net to chat about all things WordPress.

Worried about the issues in v1.5.1?[ | ]

Don't be! Our dedicated hackers are quickly addressing some nuisance issues related to the v1.5.1 release, and have just released Version, a security update! You can download the new version at WordPress Downloads.

WordPress v1.5.1 發表[ | ]

On May 9, 2005, WordPress v1.5.1 was released to the public. This version includes many bug fixes and a few enhancements. Check Version 1.5.1 for information on features and installation or upgrade.

WordPress 插件競賽[ | ]

The WordPress Plugin Contest is closed for new submissions as of June 15th. While Mark and the judges begin their work in the coming weeks, visit WordPress Plugin Contest to read about and download some of the Plugins. Congratulations to all the contestants and good luck in the competition.

WordPress 課程徵求[ | ]

If you have an article, or would like to contribute one, that features a simple, step-by-step approach to handling a WordPress topic or challenge, check out the new WordPress Lessons section and the Article Guidelines and Information for WordPress Lessons.

成為一個WordPress 義工[ | ]

有許多方法您可以作為義工來支持Wordpress.至於具體怎樣幫助可以參考Codex Community Portal .

之前的活動[ | ]

  • Spring Cleaning 2005 - Wiki Day 2005! - Concluded